Thats beautiful. Am making it my wallpaper :) Is this Elliot's beach?
12 Oct 2008 7:49am
Padma from Mumbai, India
12 Oct 2008 8:19am
dilip from Bangalore, India
Amazing colours!! Apollo, the sun god going back with his 7 horses(colours)has a beautiful sight. Oh!!
Is that why we have 7 days in a week, 7 wonders of the world, 7 hills of thirupathi etc..... Please answer me Aunty.
14 Oct 2008 3:27pm
@dilip: Dilip Kutty, we have 7 swaras, sapta rishis and many more probably! You are right! 7 sems to be a magical number! Love all your comments:-))
KV Gopalakrishnan from Chennai, India
Beautiful shot... Amazing colours... Love it... :)
23 Oct 2008 10:21am
@KV Gopalakrishnan: Thanks KVG! You seem to like sunsets and sunrises! Do you really? :-))
KV Gopalakrishnan from Chennai, India
yeah... i really love them... i'm basically a nature lover and i also love nice photographies...
i don't remember how i found the way to your photoblog... i didn't even know that you have one... but now i'm really glad i found it... :)
27 Nov 2008 8:29pm
KV Gopalakrishnan from Chennai, India
and btw, i'm shooting this one too for my desktop, with your permission... :)